ClinicalReads Health

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68 articles tagged Doctors
'Working Too Hard For Your Money'

Health Dangers of Working Too Hard

There are clinically adverse physical and emotional effects of shift work. Don’t kill yourself trying to stay up. Find a balance between good health and earning a living.

Otolaryngology 'Mold Causes Vertigo and Chronic Fatigue'

Mold Causes Vertigo, Rash, Backache and Chronic Fatigue

Are you a business or home­owner conside­ring profes­sional water-damage remedia­tion? Are you a renter trying to convince a land­lord to properly treat mold and mildew?

Oncology 'How Quickly Do Cancers Spread?'

How Quickly Do Cancers Spread?

Does cancer manifest itself within weeks, months or years? How quickly does it metastasize? Predisposed patients should be diligent with regular health evaluations. But what tests are most effective?

Woman 'Female self-breast exam'

Some Doctors Stop Urging Monthly Breast Self-Exams

Searching for cancer may be too morbid a thought to women who esteem breasts more for their form and function than health indicators. Doctors are not giving up.

Neurology 'Pain sufferer'

Step Into Shoes of Chronic Pain Sufferers

Chronic pain sufferers need more endurance. Whether you are a friend, loved one or personal physician, here is an introduction to the world of these heroes that deserve our support.


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Mental health 'Estranged Family'

Anatomy of an Estranged Family

Fresh explanation of Dead Mother Complex reveals why displaying affection may be more complex than you think. This might be the root of familial dysfunc­tion. Use discretion on emotional content.

Emotions 'Corpse in morgue'

Recalling Past Conversations With Dead Persons

Triggered by seemingly insignifi­cant events, memories of friends and relatives no longer with us enter my mind. Are such sympathe­tic reactions to death excised from physi­cians during med school?

Cardiology 'It’s Dysautonomia — Not Laziness'

It’s Dysautonomia — Not Laziness

Dysautonomia is a health condition referring to dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system. Learn how it affects various bodily systems.


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.