Infertility Laminated Chart 20x26

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This 20" x 26" (51 x 66 cm) examination-room female anatomy poster with grommets defines infer­tility and makes it easier for medical profes­sionals to explain where in the normal reproduc­tive process problems arise.

It illustrated is an ovum (egg) and sperma­to­zoon (sperm), defining semen analysis with female internal genital organs and early cell division of a zygote. Fertiliza­tion, implanta­tion, and blocked fallopian tubes are described and shown. Published by Wolters Kluwer. ©2004

The colorful poster includes a pie chart that depicts the approxi­mate distri­bu­tion of common causes of infer­tility among men and women: For men: Cryptor­chidism, Hypopi­tui­tarism, Obstruc­tion and Varicocele. For women: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Pelvic Adhesions, Intra­uterine Fibroids, and Endome­triosis.

  • Order at least 2 please
  • Laminated with 2+ corner grommets